Monthly Archive: October, 2015


Michael Myers says happy halloween to all!


Here is Faceview Have a nice day shining stars!


Here is a monster inspired H.P Lovecraft. I really love Lovecraft so much, so what do you think? Have a lovely fright!

Starduste Lizz

So this is Starduste Lizz from my own world, as you seen before Stardust Faci is in the same universeum. So open you imagination and eyes and enjoy this one. Have a nice… Continue reading

Ooooh owl

Oooh oooh oowl. The nature got a lots of nice things ex Owls. Have a nice day shining stars!

Starduste- faci

Welcome to Starduste world Hope you like fantasy world because here is one that I just did! Let your imagination flow and enjoy. Hope you having a good day shining stars!

Life Melody

As we all know everyone got a heart and a brain. But what about the balance between them? Sometimes I feel like the heart have a stronger weight than the brain and sometimes… Continue reading


Sometimes it is hard to know what direction to take in life, to that way or the other. But things always works out one way or other. Here is Directions. Have a good… Continue reading


It is the best time of the year, halloween, all fright and horror everywhere. Spooky month. So this is Spuwnfreak, you do not want meet this horrible monster. Have a good fright!

Time. Change. Now

Time for a change in my life- it is much needed. So I did this painting, hope you enjoy it. Have it good shining stars!